Thursday, 1 October 2009

"Oh, bother..."

I think of Winnie the Pooh every time I say that. Silly old bear.

IF's topic this week was "pattern". In spite of numerous ideas from the inspirational word, I had absolutely no time to think about IF this week... oh, bother. SO, I'll just give a sneak peak for something I've been working on, which I think happens to work for "pattern". Whew.

I prestained the paper with black tea for the background color. Everything else is pencil and watercolor (and watercolor pencils).


  1. I love this. It took me a second to realize that it wasn't a photograph.

  2. Wow. I thought it was a photograph too. : )

  3. Whoa! Really? Pencil? That is stunning. Me, too! I thought it was a photograph of your feet!

  4. Beautiful work!
